Ugg. That’s been how I’ve been feeling lately. I’m still having issues with my aunt that is so narcissistic that it’s not even funny. Yes I understand she too has bipolar disorder. Yes I understand that bipolar disorder presents in different ways with different people but it floors me how selfish and self centered she is all the freaking time. Mom says this is not new that she has been this way all her life. I know I maybe pot calling kettle black here but damn, let me sleep my mood off and I’m good to go. I know she’s in a bad place but still. Mom has been sick the past few days and she has been texting her every 30 minutes. Mom gave up trying to reply. Then, even knowing I was still upset, she started hounding me. Well when I wouldn’t reply she blew my brother’s phone up saying that we weren’t replying. He got all upset because he lives about a 100 miles away and it takes about 2 hours to get home. Okay here’s the deal, you can not call me at 9pm, wake me up when I’m not feeling well and not get a bitching out. I haven’t the strength to walk on eggshells. Sorry but true. Maybe I’m just insensitive. Maybe I am a bad guy. But damn it I have a right to my feelings. And calling me a “crypt keeper” is not going to get me on my good side. Sorry it’s just not. I know I use this like a free therapy session but writing has always been an outlet for me and I love that I have an anonymous platform to vent my frustrations.